Learn tarot with Erika M. Schreck and Turtle Healing Energy. Currently, on-line, self-paced tarot classes are available for Tarot Level One, Tarot Level Two and Meet the Major Arcana.
It's a Perfect Time for Self-Paced, On-Line Class Material
These classes are available as self-paced, on-line courses, and you'll have access to the material infinitely. There are videos and print-ready reference guides. The Tarot Level Two e-class offers you a chance to send Erika your card layout discussed in the class and get some insights from Erika in reading the cards and getting overall messages.
Click here to visit my on-line store to learn more and invest in these classes. My students have commented that they really love these classes in their on-line format.
Tarot Level One Self-Paced Class
Tarot Level Two Self-Paced Class
Meet the Major Arcana Self-Paced Class
About Erika
Erika M. Schreck has been reading tarot cards professionally since 2009. She once worked as a tarot reader for a well-known national psychic phone line, and she has been offering tarot intuitive readings, teaching tarot classes, and providing tarot readings at parties. Sometimes people need clarity and empowerment with a situation or at a certain time in their lives.
Tarot intuitive readings can be a helpful tool to help you confirm some things you may already know, gain some new insights and perspective, and feel better and even more at choice with where you currently are. Less about “destiny” or fortune telling, Erika believes that tarot readings are tools for understanding and choices. She's been identified as a very authentic, accurate, unique, empowering tarot reader and teacher. Click here to read more about Erika.
Currently Offered Tarot Classes
For now, I offer self-paced, on-line classes: Learn more here.
Over the years, I've regularly offered live classes of Tarot Level One: Kick-Start Your Tarot, Tarot Level Two: Get Your Motor Runnin', and Tarot Level Three: Head Out on the Highway. Why/How did I choose these names for the classes? Watch the brief video here. An overview for these classes is below.
Please e-mail Erika if you have questions.