Erika offers an empathetic, caring, empowering approach with her grief coaching and looks forward to assisting you with easing your pain in grieving and supporting your joy and peace.

Click on this link to hear others’ experiences with Erika’s grief intuitive coaching.

Click here for more about Erika’s insights with grief, inspiration with grief coaching, and grief intuitive coaching details.

Grief is often an uncomfortable topic in our discussions with others. Not only is it difficult to lose a loved one, but feeling adequately supported during times of loss can also be challenging and disappointing. Are you struggling to move forward in your life and heal from the loss of a loved one, and/or do you know someone feeling overwhelmed and confused in his/her grief?

Offering grief support is very close to my heart. When I was five years old, my grandfather took me to view the car in which his sister died—she had been killed by a drunk driver. He explained how and why she died in gruesome detail, which has stayed with me to this day. By the time I was 21, I had lost a dear aunt when she was only 32, grandparents, great-grandparents, and, tragically, five family and friends to separate drunk-driving accidents. When I was 24, my father died suddenly at 48 years old, and I was responsible for his entire estate and effects. My grandfather died in November 2012—and gifted me with seeing his actual crossing-over. In January 2016, I lost my beloved dog Harley, who was my dear, amazing, unique companion for more than 10 years; he also worked with me and was loved by my clients. I’ve lost loved ones through diseases, accidents, “old age” and suicide. These primary and numerous losses have imbued me with extraordinary empathy and healing abilities for others with grief and loss. Part of my path includes helping others heal and lighten their grief and reinvent their lives.


Note: Grief coaching is not grief therapy or counseling; just many other types of coaches are not medical professionals, I as your grief coach am not a licensed therapist or doctor, but I can help you learn healing, intuitive, coping and self-care tools that will help you work through your grief, see a spiritual and healing perspective, and move forward in a positive, productive, lighter, reinventive way. Grief coaching can be a powerful experience on its own and as a complementary approach.

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