2013-07-12 11.09.47 (450x338)Sometimes people need clarity and empowerment with a situation or at a certain time in their lives. Tarot intuitive readings can be one helpful, neat tool to help you confirm some things you may already know, gain some new insights and perspective, and feel better and even more at choice with where you currently are.

Less about “destiny” or fortune telling, I believe that tarot readings are tools for understanding and choices.My e-mailed audio tarot intuitive readings provide a thoughtful response with not only tarot cards pulled and interpreted but also numerology influences and intuitive messages integrated. Card readings offer wonderful insights and perspective; I trust that through the cards and my received guidance, God/the Divine/Source/Great Mystery/Aai and other “spiritual peeps” offer personal messages just for you and your question. Then, you always have free will when you step forward in decisions and clarity.

Current E-mail Reading Services

You will receive an e-mailed audio response with a detailed, personalized, packed-full-of-information reading that will cite the tarot card(s) drawn for your question, thoughtfully answer your question with the overall meaning and perspective of the tarot card(s), as well as include any intuitive message that Erika receives as she’s interpreting, considering your numerology aspects, and tuning in.

Your reading is typically completed and e-mailed as an MP3 file within a week of your payment and form received. These readings are very popular, and clients love listening to their reading’s recording several times.

One-Question, 10-min. Tarot Intuitive Card Reading $25
approximately nine to 10 minutes of audio; if two questions, very short time spent on each question

Two Questions, 15-min. Tarot Intuitive Card Reading $30
approximately 14-15 minutes of audio

Three to Four Questions, 30-min. Tarot Intuitive Card Reading ♦ $60
approximately 30 minutes of audio

 If you’d like to have an in-person, phone or Zoom reading, please click here.

 Click here to learn more about my Tarot Subscriptions–a monthly, automatic e-mailed personal reading for the month.

How to Purchase an E-mail Card Reading with Erika

Step 1 of 2. Invest in the e-mail reading service you prefer and either (a) pay Erika via Venmo @ErikaMSchreck, (b) pay on-line via the drop-down menu and then Pay Now button below, OR (c) prior to reading, mail cash or check [address check to Turtle Healing Energy] to Erika M. Schreck, 1800 30th Street, #220E, Boulder, CO 80301.

Invest in E-mail Tarot Intuitive Reading with Erika

Step 2 of 2. Fill the form provided below with information I need to complete your reading; I ask for your birthdate, as I also consider numerological influences, another tool in addition to my intuition, psychic abilities and the tarot cards. Your reading will be completed within a week, once I receive your payment and the completed form. For your main question, consider a main area, specific question or perhaps even “What do I need to know about ___?”

Please fill the following six fields in the form provided and click Submit at the bottom of the form when finished.

Your successful, filled and submitted form will display “Message Received”
and a list of your responses on this page.

Tarot Intuitive E-MAIL Reading Request

Tarot Intuitive E-MAIL Reading Request

4. E-mail Reading Purchased *
5. Your Investment *

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