Today I sat with another beautiful client during a grief intuitive coaching session. I recognized and remembered the ache and unstoppable tears as she told her story of loss. And I felt the honor and gratitude of being a witness and support for her. I know that most people are afraid to talk about death and may not know some of the amazing, effective ways to receive and provide healing, which are some of my main drives for offering grief intuitive coaching services.

After experiencing many deaths of family members and friends at a young age, my father’s death when he was 48, and my grandfather’s passing and actual transition a couple of years ago, I know that each person has a unique journey with loss and grief.
Because my father’s funeral director wisely told me, I now tell others who just experienced the death of a loved one, “People are well intentioned and will tell you they know exactly what you’re going through–but they don’t.”
I honor the personalized journey of grief for each of us. And, especially as I’ve learned in my grief intuitive coach training and practice, I honor your journey–what you still have left to do this lifetime and why you’re still on the planet. Want to learn more about my grief intuitive coaching session or know someone who could benefit? Click here.
One of the largest gems I know to be true, based on my own experiences with losing loved ones and supporting so many others through their losses is the following: Death is all around us to remind us of our own mortality, remind us of priorities, and urge us to be truthful with ourselves about our lives.
© Erika M. Schreck, 2014. All rights reserved.