Invite Abundant Calm: Deliberately Calm
Invite Abundant Calm
Sunday, November 6, 2022
11 a.m.-12 p.m. Mountain Time on Zoom
10 a.m. Pacific | 12 noon Central | 1 p.m. Eastern
We’re entering a season of so many beautiful holidays. We’re also entering a time of abundant food, abundant social invitations, abundant expectations, abundant commitments. Why not also invite abundant calm at this time, so you can be in the best place possible in the midst of experiencing this time of… a lot? I’m so looking forward to our conversation and practices, and I’m looking forward to supporting you in this way.
I’d love to have you and your wisdom there!
:: TWO WAYS you can be a part of this awesome conversation and practice…
- Say yes to being a part of my Spiritual Warrior Tribe* as a FREE member by clicking here. Then, you may be a part of this Deliberately Calm for $15 and so many other things.
OR - Say yes to being a paid member (sooo many benefits!) of my Spiritual Warrior Tribe by clicking here and participate in Deliberately Calm (“live” or later) for FREE, and have access to resources and monthly deepening work, discounts on my offerings, and more. Plans start at $22 per month.
*I started my Spiritual Warrior Tribe for clients who wanted more… people who want to stay aware of what’s not working in their lives and both think about things differently and more healthily and do something differently for more ease, joy, health and calm. And I regularly provide a variety of simple practices and tools that help you create the shifts you need.
Deliberately Calm Series: Deliberately Calm is now part of my Spiritual Warrior Tribe membership, available with the foundational Essentials membership: Click here for details. You receive access to participate live and/or later, as well as several other resources and forms of support [practices and tools through video and audio] included with membership. Commit to Calm, Ease and Joy :: Simple, committed practices sustain us. When we experience calm, ease and joy more often, we’re more so in the best place possible for a healthier life on all levels. Community, connection and support nourish us. Spiritual tools and practices help create balance and meaning in our lives.
Thoughtful Shift for Deliberately Calm
Please watch this five-minute video [click here or on image at left] that explains that Deliberately Calm is now a part of my Spiritual Warrior Tribe membership. You’ll receive Deliberately Calm and even more support, including new material each month, as a member. Plans start at $22/month and include Deliberately Calm at all member levels… and….
Whether you participate live or later, you’ll have the replay for this event.