The Mouse Redemption
Note: When I'm not writing, I get all kinds of nudges. This story has been percolating for some time, and the other night when I took a bite of my…
Note: When I'm not writing, I get all kinds of nudges. This story has been percolating for some time, and the other night when I took a bite of my…
Grief is often an uncomfortable topic in our discussions with others. Not only is it difficult to lose a loved one, but feeling adequately supported during times of loss can…
This Father's Day is the 18th without my father on the physical plane. After so many years without him physically but with an ever-present, still-growing spiritual practice and much gratitude,…
Sudden loss can feel like this. It's like a car accident that includes a plunge into water: You're driving along, maintaining and staying aware, and suddenly there's the crash, the…
Harley and I "lost" a dear friend this last week--a friend of the furry, four-legged kind. Pepper, a sweet and spicy short-haired dachsund, was a little love. Okay, actually, he…
I believe we join an interesting club when we lose a parent through death. Until you join this club, it's a tough journey to understand--and no one else's journey will…
Most weeks on Sunday mornings, I'm off to an amazing spiritual, emotional and physical practice... yoga with most excellent teacher Jon Kolaska. And during the week, I'm on my yoga…
It's been a particularly challenging year. Difficult news was revealed in all major areas of my life. My relationship. My dog. My finances. My work. My health. And we think…
Today I sat with another beautiful client during a grief intuitive coaching session. I recognized and remembered the ache and unstoppable tears as she told her story of loss. And…
Like many of you, I've felt the reverberation of grief and heightened sensitivity these last few days after losing the lovely and talented Robin Williams, who had bipolar disorder. This…