Choose Joy

Harley & Crocheting: Joyful Choices for Me

Just a simple, quick post:
Choose Joy.

The holiday season presents obligation, an overload of activities and food and drink, and stresses for each individual. But we all need to remember that we have choices.

In everything, as much as possible, choose joy. Ask “What will bring me joy [or even the most joy]?” when making decisions. I am including this mantra as I prepare for multiple celebrations, a very long road trip and time away from my sacred space, my home. Even by choosing to drive 18 hours to my family and friends, mostly so I can bring my beloved furry child Harley, I am choosing joy. Only here for a few more days, I chose joy by still setting up my Christmas tree and other lights today because I love the comfort and cozy nature of crocheting by fire in the fireplace and my Christmas tree and lights.

Wishing you all a safe, enJOYable, JOYful Christmas season.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Mary Jo (mom)

    You are so right on with this. I, too, know that we have choices to choose joy in our lives. It is the season that we can make it simple and enjoy the company of family & friends with much laughter! The holiday season can bring the fun and joy of sharing food, drink, company, laughter, and the presence of comfort from our family and friends. I hope everyone finds this comfort during this holiday season!

    1. ems80301

      Make it simple, yes–whenever possible. 🙂 Thanks for posting.

  2. Melanie Landgraf

    Amen sister!!!! Love you!

    1. ems80301

      Love you, too, Mel. 🙂 Yes, choose joy and keep things simple because “we don’t do drama,” right??? 🙂

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