Classes and On-Going Support for Reiki Students
If you're interested in taking a reiki class with me, please e-mail me [erika (at)] or contact me at this link here. Currently, I'm offering the following forms of reiki classes: in person (Boulder, CO), hybrid (part-Zoom, part-in-person), and all-on-line (Zoom). Scroll to see all details.
All of my classes are live and include two vouchers for a Reiki Tune-Up (practice workshop). Most classes are two consecutive days, three hours each day.
Contact me if you're interested in starting/continuing your reiki journey
I'll schedule based on your availability and mine. ↓ Scroll to see class details.
If you've trained with me through at least one reiki class, click here to learn more about my Reiki Tune-Ups, practice and support offered monthly for former and current students. You will receive a Reiki Tune-Up voucher(s) with each class you take with me, allowing you a complimentary, lovely opportunity to practice and receive reiki, as well as reinforce approaches and neat, new mindset and skills.
Reiki is one of the most powerful, amazing forces I know! ~Erika M. Schreck
Click here to register for Reiki Tune-Ups, if you've taken a reiki class with Erika.
Interested in Reiki Classes with Erika?
Contact me to let me know your interest and preferred dates for reiki classes. Currently, I'm mainly offering private and up-to-three people in-person reiki classes (Boulder, Colorado USA) AND all-on-line (wherever you live) reiki classes. All of my classes are live and include pass(es) for a post-class Reiki Tune-Up (practice workshop). Classes are typically completed as a two-day commitment, totaling six hours.
Reiki training with Erika is not only transformational but transcending too!! I highly recommend Erika with a 6 on a 5 scale. As a Reiki 3 graduate with Erika's amazing gift and guidance, I use self reiki treatments daily and it's my "go to" for high vibe physical mental and emotional living. Reiki allows this to happen for me. Take the leap and it will can be transcending for you too!!
Neal T., Boulder, Colorado
Contact Erika if you'd like to be in this Reiki Level One class (two seats left).
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Reiki Classes with Erika
Reiki Level One Class Overview
Learn Reiki Level I (One) in the Transcendental, Usui style of reiki and experience the power of reiki self-treatments and treatments for others--even your pets and plants. You will learn the history of the Usui, transcendental style of reiki; participate in guided meditation; receive the appropriate attunements, which activate the Universal Life Force Energy within you and "certify" you to offer reiki; learn the hand positions for self-reiki and reiki for others; and practice reiki on yourself and other participants. You will receive a reiki manual for levels one and two, as well as a helpful guide created by Erika, and certificate at the end of the class. For the live, all-on-line Zoom class, I will mail all materials (book + packet) prior to our class and mail your certificate upon class completion. For the hybrid class [first part on Zoom; second part in person], I will mail your reiki packet prior to the class, and give you the book and your certificate when I see you later in the day in person.
You will receive a Reiki Tune-Up voucher(s) with each class you take with Erika, allowing you a complimentary, lovely opportunity to practice and receive reiki, as well as reinforce approaches, mindset and skills.
Current Rates for Reiki Level One: I've been teaching this class over two consecutive days, three hours each day, which we decide. Your class tuition also includes two Reiki Tune-Up vouchers (I offer practice sessions for my reiki students) to be used within a year.
+ private/one-on-one or two-person class :: six-hour class over two days in person at Boulder, CO, office OR via Zoom OR hybrid: $297
Reiki Level Two Class Overview
Your second-level reiki degree will allow you to deepen and expand your healing abilities and intuition. This class will provide you with two attunements and three reiki symbols [reiki symbols amplify reiki healing energy] for which you will be attuned to use, including a symbol that allows you to send reiki distantly. You will also have more time to practice a reiki session, using the symbols and knowledge from Reiki I and additional experiences.
You will use the reiki manual you received in my level one reiki class; if you were certified with another Usui reiki teacher for first-level reiki, you will receive this manual for this class. You will receive a helpful guide created by Erika, and certificate at the end of the class. For the live, all-on-line Zoom class, I will mail all materials prior to our class and mail your certificate upon class completion. For the hybrid class [first part on Zoom; second part in person], I will mail your reiki packet prior to the class, and deliver your certificate when I see you later in the day in person.
You will receive a Reiki Tune-Up voucher(s) with each class you take with Erika, allowing you a complimentary, lovely opportunity to practice and receive reiki, as well as reinforce approaches, mindset and skills.
Current Rates for Reiki Level Two: I've been teaching this class over two consecutive days, three hours each day, which we decide. Your class tuition also includes two Reiki Tune-Up vouchers (I offer practice sessions for my reiki students) to be used within a year.
+ private/one-on-one or two-person class :: six-hour class over two days in person at Boulder, CO, office OR via Zoom OR hybrid: $297
Reiki Level Three Class Overview
Your third-level reiki degree offers an advanced level of knowledge and practice, aligning you with Spirit. You will receive your last three attunements, and learn and be attuned to use the master reiki symbol and grounding symbol [reiki symbols amplify reiki healing energy]. Reiki Level Three is the last training and attunement degree in the Transcendental tradition before Reiki Master; the main difference in abilities between being a Reiki Master vs. a Reiki Level Three is that a Reiki Master can teach reiki and attune others. As part of Reiki Level Three training, you will have time to practice your advanced-level tools and knowledge.
You will receive a helpful guide created by Erika, and certificate at the end of the class. For the live, all-on-line Zoom class, I will mail all materials prior to our class and mail your certificate upon class completion. For the hybrid class [first part on Zoom; second part in person], I will mail your reiki packet prior to the class, and deliver your certificate when I see you later in the day in person.
You will receive a Reiki Tune-Up voucher(s) with each class you take with Erika, allowing you a complimentary, lovely opportunity to practice and receive reiki, as well as reinforce approaches, mindset and skills.
Current Rates for Reiki Level Three: I've been teaching this class over two consecutive days, three hours each day, which we decide. Your class tuition also includes two Reiki Tune-Up vouchers (I offer practice sessions for my reiki students) to be used within a year.
+ private/one-on-one or two-person class :: six-hour class over two days in person at Boulder, CO, office OR via Zoom OR hybrid: $297
Reiki Master Level Overview
Become a reiki master in the Transcendental, Usui style of reiki in a five-month, amazing, manageable-with-typical-life-responsibilities training period that includes regular meditation, journaling, monthly one-on-one meetings with me, reflection, reading, and multiple types of reiki experiences--both receiving and offering. This level of reiki training qualifies and prepares you to attune and train others through reiki classes. Please contact Erika for more information.
Reiki Tune-Ups for Former and Continuing Reiki Students
Bask in the Reiki Love
Several of my reiki students, whether Level One, Two or Three, have asked for “practice time” and a space to do reiki on others and receive support. Showing up for these Reiki Tune-Ups sincerely supports you in some beautiful, inspiring ways. We’re not aiming for perfection; we’re aiming for more confidence. I enjoy supporting my former students and providing space to ask questions, continue practicing, experience needed balance and healing, connect with other reiki practitioners, and increase confidence and joy in offering reiki to others.
Currently, all Reiki Tune-Ups are on Zoom; formerly, they were in person at my office. At times I offer in-person Reiki Tune-Ups at my Boulder, Colorado, office.
These “tune-up” offerings are opportunities to receive and offer reiki. I often offer all-level reiki Tune-Ups.
For students at a minimum of Reiki Level Two training, I occasionally offer special Reiki Tune-Ups where each participant receives remote “all-hands reiki,” and everyone else who is present (including me) offers reiki to the person receiving reiki. It’s an amazing, powerful exchange, and everyone benefits! I limit these reiki-level-two-minimum Tune-Ups to three students.
Attend however many you wish! This is a reiki opportunity for people who have had reiki classes with me.