Feng Shui…Everything

(excerpt from my February 2013 Turtle Healing Energy Newsletter)

Many years ago, I first learned of feng shui, probably a familiar phrase or concept to many of you. You can find so much about feng shui on the internet, and one of my favorite resources is Feng Shui and Space Clearing consultant and well-known writer Karen Kingston, who said the following and captured the overall essence of feng shui and space clearing:

“By adjusting and balancing the flow of energy
within your home, you can powerfully and effectively
influence the course of your life.”

Karen Kingston, Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui

Having read even more about feng shui, applying many of its principles and really thinking about its teachings, I am always so drawn to the main concepts of “when we make room by letting go of things, we create space for the new” and “ask, ‘Does it lift me?‘ when deciding what things need to be donated, kept or thrown away.” I’ve been taking several steps with my physical things lately, given a huge surge in energy I received around space clearing, such as donating clothes and other items, cleaning/snaking bathroom drains (eeewww, but necessary and rewarding), organizing my yarn stash (some of you understand, I know), and so forth because I wish to shift major energies and welcome new life shifts like Mr. Partner and a new home. I’m feeling lighter and so much better!

But I always place the concepts of feng shui in other contexts and encourage you to re-frame Kingston’s words as “by adjusting and balancing the flow of energy within my ____ [relationship, job, body], I can powerfully and effectively influence the course of my life.” And shifts happen! I wrote a blog post two years ago titled “Feng Shui Your Friends” [click title to link to post], which supports this re-framing and use of feng shui application in all areas of our lives and encourages us to realize our power in choosing where, to whom and to what we direct and possibly disconnect our energy. I so often remind clients and even myself that we need to truly let go of people, patterns, places and physical things that no longer serve us so that we may create space for these life aspects that do lift and support us and create more joy.

Where do you need to let go, so you can move on and see shifts? Then, take action. Even small steps make a huge difference. Perhaps even consider hiring a professional to assist you with getting on the right track, such as a professional organizer (see below for one great resource) or coach.

© Erika M. Schreck and Turtle Healing Energy, 2013. All rights reserved.

You may also enjoy another post I wrote about feng shui:
Click here to read “Release the Clutter and Create Space for the Great.”


A local consultant who can help you eliminate and
organize clutter/stuff: Myra Young, Spaciousness Unlimited.
Click here to check out and Like this lovely resource on
Facebook–great tips offered often, when you Like this page!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. fa1rywh1sper

    Hi Erika,

    I agree what you say about adjusting the flow of energy in one’s home. If you think about it, our home is an extension of ourselves, so if there is something not right with our home, there is something not right with us. What I’ve learned by boxing and sending my things to Salvation Army, is that I don’t need all the things that I accumulated. That’s why I think I’m so eager to give them away. The things that I used for emotional health, while up here combating loneliness, were just a few items. The extension of this lesson is that wherever I do end up and plant my flag, I will collect with consciousness, so that I won’t have unnecessary things. I was certainly better at this while living in Alaska, than I have been my entire life, but this practice still needs refinement.

    Thank you for including me in this emailing.


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