Gems of Perspective

We receive perspective in so many ways—maybe we solicit others’ opinions, have a quiet moment in nature or even a loud moment in traffic, gain new ideas and direction from a long conversation, or get inspired by a passing image, a sound or particular text. We have a choice with what we do with perspective—maybe we shift, and maybe we don’t.

Recently I had what I’d call a gem of perspective, received in passing and from a neighbor. I smirk now, just knowing how much his words offered me such an honest, interesting pondering. Just back from a lovely weekend away to one of my favorite Colorado places, Buena Vista,  this past Sunday night, I was unloading my car and had my dog Harley in tow. When a certain male neighbor, whom I’ve known for several years, also arrived home and said hello, he asked how my weekend had been. After just a few sentences exchanged, and my professed fascination and amazement with Buena Vista, CO, I admitted, “Each time I’m there, I find myself wondering what it would be like to live there… but I think it would be too difficult to find Mr. Partner.”

The Gem of Perspective from Said Neighbor: “Well, you’ve been here in Boulder all these years and haven’t found him here, either.”

There was a half-second of feeling some sting from his words, but they washed over me many times this past week and insisted I consider that possibilities lie everywhere. We work so hard to talk ourselves out of so many things. By no means does this story end with “Buena Vista, here I come!”—at least for now. But I just loved that little unexpected moment where I stepped out of a very old box. I needed that.

© 2012 Erika M. Schreck. All rights reserved.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. susielindau

    Sometimes those moments take us aback, but they make us think!
    Thanks for coming by!
    You should add share buttons, FB and Twitter and put your twitter handle on your blog. Twitter is how a lot of us at WP communicate…
    Great post and a piece of advice. Use “The Secret.” It is amazing what happens when you use the power of positive thinking!

    1. ems80301

      Thanks so much, Susie! 🙂 Love the concepts in _The Secret_. Thanks for the idea of FB buttons, etc., as well. I usually post my newest post link in FB and so forth, but I could make it easier. I enjoyed checking out your blog and adventures. Ah, serendipity. 🙂 Joy and Blessings to you.

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