Mercury Retrograde Notice: March 30-April 23, 2011

Hi, all.  It’s that time again to just be more aware and prepare accordingly. Changes are a-coming, as of this Wednesday (and possibly earlier): Mercury will be retrograde March 30 (2:47 p.m. MST) to April 23 (3:04 a.m. MST), 2011, and you can learn a lot of information about Mercury Retrograde times from various sources, including one of my earlier blog posts (click here for link).

Try to complete your taxes before this period (I still need to do my own taxes), plan for any type of needed Plan B with technology (save, save and save your computer files; back up your computer; e-mail yourself that presentation file and bring it on a jump drive), and be patient and pre-planned with any travel arrangements. Remember the main lesson is to “just roll with it [whatever it happens to be for you, whatever it may be causing a bit more stress].”

Some interesting notes regarding Mercury Retrograde to add, from Scott Petullo:

Mercury retrograde is an astrological affliction, but only one of many possible, and it won’t single-handedly (symbolically) screw up your life. Also, if you have Mercury retrograde in your natal configurations, it doesn’t automatically equate to negative life circumstances. Multiples of factors, instead of single factors, through pattern recognition, symbolize life circumstances and events….

All too often, Mercury retrograde is given too much emphasis, and serves as the scapegoat for life’s trials when the problem is really represented by dozens of other factors, most often unique to that person’s natal comprehensive charts….

My findings show that the pre-Mercury retrograde period (17-28 days before Mercury goes retrograde) is often worse than the actual retrograde period. Furthermore, the final 11-12 days of the approximately 24-day Mercury retrograde period goes more smoothly than the first 11-12 days. The first 11-12 days frequently represent the collapse of previously held notions, intents, and plans, while the second 11-12 days (and even more so for about two weeks after Mercury retrograde) symbolize new ideas and plans that are on much firmer ground.

~“Mercury Retrograde: 7 Points to Consider” (very helpful!)

Each Mercury Retrograde period has its own characteristics, and I can relate to this one very well, as I officially resigned from my teaching gig at CU-Boulder (woo-hoo!) a few weeks ago.  Check out the following interesting information, great for many of us to hear (I put certain text in bold for emphasis):

The first Mercury retrograde in 2011 will be in the fire sign of Aries, March 30th through April 23rd. This Mercury retrograde becomes important because of the fact that Jupiter and Uranus have transitioned into Aries as well, requiring that we make major transitions to set up our focus during this important phase. All of the Mercury retrogrades in 2011 are in fire signs, which emphasizes the energy, enthusiasm, innovation and spark we put into our activities. We are changing and adjusting our thinking and thought process regarding the activities that we are involved in and especially as the Aries energy sets the pace for the year, we will move our true self into the directions that are the appropriate reflection of the true self. Because 2011 is universally a FOUR year (in numerology), this Mercury retrograde process becomes important in the major adjustments as we move our efforts to organize, plan and launch our innovative resourcefulness into new directions. Mercury retrograde provides the opportunity to adjust our thoughts, attitudes and communications about our direction.

~Ms. Karyl Jackson, Alpha Life Trends

So, you’ve been notified. Don’t fret, don’t get your undies in too much of a bundle, and just be aware. See the positive sides of Mercury Retrograde, as well. Enjoy your weekend!

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