I love helping people understand their numerology profile and what helps
bring them the most joy in work, relationships and other areas! Numerology is
one of the most accurate, helpful life tools I use daily and with all of my clients.

~ Erika M. Schreck

Numerology Profile: $125
Click here to schedule your Zoom or phone session

includes Erika’s pre-session preparation of materials (approx. 45 min.)
and 60-minute recorded and live session, either by phone or Zoom,
with mailed documents or e-mailed link to files of created, individualized materials

Contact me if you’re interested in doing a session with your partner and/or family members (each person will receive his/her thoughtfully prepared numerology profile materials).

Interested in a combination session of Numerology Profile
+ Tarot or + Reiki?

If you’d like to combine a Numerology Profile session with reiki and/or tarot, please review these options on my on-line scheduler by clicking here and looking for the image at left. You may also review these combination session options at this page here.


What is Numerology?

Numerology is a reliable system that dates all the way back to Pythagorus. Pythagorus (570-495 BC) was primarily known as Greek philosopher and mathematician, and many people don’t realize he was also a mystic. We credit him for our modern number system, and he taught us how to add the digits in our birthdate to determine a destiny number, which helps us realize what we’ve come to the planet this lifetime to accomplish.

Numerology can give you insights about work, your relationships, ways you understand and make decisions, financial strategies, and ways you best learn and connect.

What do I get with a Numerology Profile with
Erika M. Schreck and Turtle Healing Energy?

1. Prior to our session, either via phone or Zoom, I (Erika) prepare printed (or scanned and e-mailed) materials that include the following [seven documents + mp3 session recording]:

+ Cover sheet that provides your life path number, soul number and personal year, along with brief, introductory information; details about your life path number and astrological sign working together; brief details about the type of romantic relationship that serves you best; a preview of your personal years and related themes and cycles for the next three years

+ Collection of information regarding your life path number [your main number determined by your birthdate], which includes several on-line, helpful and interesting resources you can also reference and use

+ Overview of your current and next personal years: most likely experiences, themes and strategies for the current calendar year and next calendar year

+ Bonus, fun material relating to your birthdate and numerology from a “birthday book”

2. During our session–in person or via phone or Zoom, for about 60 minutes, we’ll briefly discuss the main aspects of your Numerology Profile interpretation; implications of your Numerology Profile and how you can strategize work, relationships and your life; and, as time allows, how loved ones’ numerology aspects are affecting you–and how you can understand them better.

3. E-mailed mp3 recording of our session and link to all of your documents

Invest in a Numerology Profile for yourself or someone else. Then, schedule your session.

Need a gift certificate? Click here  Contact Erika if you have any questions.

→ You may invest via Venmo @ErikaMSchreck, check [address to Erika M. Schreck], or credit card or PayPal via the Pay Now button below. $125.

You’ll be routed to the scheduling page if you pay via the button below. Or, click here to schedule your Numerology Profile session.

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