Plan Ahead, Shop Early and Be Aware: Mercury Retrograde Dec. 10-30, 2010

A planet is described to be in retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. Actually this is an illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth with relation to other planets in the solar system. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way due to this cosmic shadow-play.

The planet Mercury rules thinking and perception and all types of communication. When Mercury goes retrograde it gives rise to personal misunderstandings. There would be delays, flaws and hitches in all communication related areas like transportation, trade, etc. Astrologers advise not to make any important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is likely that such decisions will be marred by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking.

(from Find Your Fate 2010 Astrology)

I learned about Mercury Retrograde patterns when I moved to Boulder, and this type of information is the kind for which I’m grateful. Kind of a like a weather report, really. I like to share this valuable information and awareness with others, too. While everyone seems to experience such times differently, I can attest to some interesting occurrences happening during Mercury retrograde periods. For example, Mercury was retrograde during the first week of classes starting this semester (started August 20), and (1) the main registration/information system was down at CU-Boulder, (2) I didn’t have access to my course rosters the entire first week, so I didn’t even know who was officially in my classes, (3) the computers in my classroom went haywire several times, making them inaccessible for my students and me, (4) for some reason, I didn’t receive two voice mail messages from friends until days later, and (5) my personal computer probably crashed about four times that week. But I rolled with those things, however frustrating, as best as I could, knowing that surrendering to the flow, rather than fighting the flow, was the best approach.

Yes, Mercury going retrograde can be a little daunting, especially around the holidays or when you may have any events going on that require planning, technology, travel and the like. The best approach? Do all you can earlier in the process, plan for glitches and have multiple checks and balances and back-up your computer files. And if something does go unexpectedly or less-than-smoothly? Go with it as much as possible; trust that something is not happening as smoothly because there’s an inherent lesson. I’m surprised how well known “Mercury retrograde” is and how often I’ve heard the reference when things are not going our way and other unexpecteds are occurring around certain times. People accept such a time as an event; it’s on calendars, and astrologers offer planning strategies in individual horoscopes. I like the helpful information and list of “what to do” at the AstroProfile website (scroll down a little to just below the calendar).

Similar to a weather report, like getting word that there’s going to be a big snowstorm, when Mercury is retrograde, you just have to be ready and flexible; something big, something small or nothing at all might happen. Or maybe the something big or something small or nothing at all happens to someone you know. And I find it interesting that even when people aren’t aware of Mercury being retrograde, their frustration and venting say it all: I hear an increase in stories about computers, vehicles and relationships having strange problems, and just a feeling of being “off.” Carrying forth the weather analogy, it’s sometimes been like looking over at someone in shorts and a light jacket, shuddering in the midst of a snowstorm; “I didn’t know it was going to get so cold or snow,” the person manages to sputter in frustration, hugging himself/herself with much strength, doing the trying-to-warm-up dance while waiting for the bus or other shelter. I recommend keeping up with weather reports, including when Mercury goes retrograde (usually three times per year).

On the bright side, when Mercury is retrograde, it’s best to take advantage of the time to reflect, re-evaluate situations, determine your true needs, reorganize your files and other things, and value the opportunity and lessons with going with the flow. I once heard that making big decisions or dealing with technology or facing tough communication challenges when Mercury is retrograde can be like trying to comb your hair outside on an extremely windy day. Trust that “the dust will settle” and that you’ll again be clear and that things will again run more smoothly. If you’re fighting with a loved one or just not understanding or not connecting with friends or acquaintances in such a time, Mercury can complicate communication. Overall, just know that Mercury retrograde isn’t always a terrible or doom-and-gloom kind of thing; we just have to work with these more challenging energies, just like challenging weather.

If you’re interested in even more information, such as more details regarding specific Mercury retrograde times, how Mercury specifically affects your sign and so forth, the internet has a plethora of information. Sites and on-line newspapers like the New York Daily Times offer even more specifics, as there are different themes and effects, given other aspects of astrology (ex. other planets, your astrological sign). And while dates for Mercury retrograde periods are provided in multiple resources, the effects can be felt a few days before and after said timeframes.

With the holiday season officially starting, I’m shopping earlier this year, especially on-line. I need to get my car serviced before I drive the 18 hours to visit my family and friends, as I actually do have my engine light on because of an emissions issue. I will make sure my hotel reservations for the trip are set, and I will probably start packing and ordering things earlier, as well. And if there are issues, God forbid? I will have no choice but to trust and roll with it. And I hope you do, too.  So, now you know.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jess

    Wow…I had no idea. Good to know. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it! :-O

    1. ems80301

      Mercury retrograde doesn’t have to be an entirely dreadful time; it’s just a time to have heightened awareness and more “go with it” approaches. 🙂 Can be frustrating, though, but at least we have a head’s-up.

  2. Mary Jo

    Good information. Plan ahead and be prepared should be the statement for this time period. Go with the flow!!!

  3. Guy

    This retrograde has messed with me… not only did our furnace quit, but while I was fixing it… one flashlight went dead…I laughed…then I plugged in another light… 20 seconds later… out it went! I laughed again. I had to read up on this…Thanks… Namaste

    1. ems80301

      Soooo Mercury retrograde, Guy. Oi. At least you said you laughed–best approach when things like these go awry. Thanks for posting! Take care.

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