2014-04-18 16.36.21Erika M. Schreck, Turtle Healing Energy, offers reiki sessions in Boulder, Colorado, as well as locally and distantly.

For reiki sessions with Erika, an in-person reiki session is typically conducted in the following way, and reiki sessions by phone and Zoom follow a similar approach.

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a hands-on or hands-hovering, non-invasive, non-denominational, spiritual form of relaxation and stress reduction that promotes healing, health and peace.  With Japanese origin, reiki is composed of two words: “Rei” (Divine Wisdom and Light) and “Ki” (life force energy).  Reiki is a wonderful, relaxing experience that can heal emotional blocks and trauma, deter addiction, offer clarity and relieve various ailments. I have observed and like to explain that reiki works on the cellular level.

Reiki is a form of bodywork, similar to massage and acupuncture, that is often experienced fully clothed and comfortably on a massage table.

A Typical Reiki Session with Erika M. Schreck

Reiki sessions for adults are typically about 75 minutes, including pre-session check-in, table time and post-session check-in, and are completed fully clothed.  I begin your session with initial check-in, which includes my sharing of numerological influences and intuitive insights, as well as reference to oracle cards I’ve pulled for you. Additionally, I ask about physical, spiritual and emotional areas where you would like more focus and for your main intentions and needs for that day’s session.

As I do reiki for you, I use different, traditional reiki hand positions and trust intuitive guidance for other reiki approaches and focus.  Some clients say they experience different sensations, while others may feel virtually nothing; regardless, reiki will work energetically and can do no harm.  At the end of the session, I encourage you to drink water before leaving and to increase water intake for the rest of the day; additionally, we briefly discuss your experience and perhaps end with goal-setting.  Each session is so different and individual, and clients leave relaxed, lighter, more positive, and clearer.

While offering reiki, many practitioners and I receive intuitive and spiritually guided messages, which are not necessarily inherent with reiki healing.  I ask clients if they prefer to receive these messages along with the reiki or at the end of the session.

Erika lives in Boulder, Colorado, but can do reiki sessions by phone and Skype–these distance reiki sessions are just as powerful as in-person sessions. I also do reiki for kids and pets. Reiki sessions for children are a bit shorter sessions, and I visit your home or do sessions by phone for your pet.

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