With tears and such love and gratitude, I want to let you know that I–we–lost our dear, beloved Harley from the physical plane at about 3:30 a.m. on Monday, January 18. When he started suffering severely with the effects of his congestive heart failure, I had to choose peace and ease for him. This loss is monumental for me, and I know that most of you knew him and loved him.
He was part of my team–and somehow still will be–with *all* of the work I do through Turtle Healing Energy. I’m so glad so many of you knew him and knew his unique and amazing influence. To know him was to love him.
If you’d like more details and wonderful pictures, I still maintain the FB public group page for him at the following link: Click Here. His energy was unmatched and lives on in all of us.
Harley was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and dilated cadiomyopathy in October 2014 and had originally been given two weeks to a month to live then. He surpassed his original timeline and lived a year and three months longer–and I know that all of our love and the reiki truly make this happen.
He left this world peacefully and with me holding his head and looking into his gentle, beautiful eyes. Lots of kisses, lots of tears, so much love and gratitude.
I am feeling devastated and am grieving, but I have also found focus and comfort in continuing to do the work that Harley supported with such grace and love. Please know that it’s okay if you cry, even with me. This has already happened with the two clients I’ve had this week. I may cry a little with you, as I’m human.
Please remember all of his love, his amazing-ness, his gentleness, his Zen-ness… I know he touched all of you, and you know he was my side-kick and companion all of these years that were better all because of him. He traveled with me, worked with me, healed with me, nannied with me, loved with me, enjoyed life with me. I see him in a sidecar on my dad’s Harley Davidson motorcycle, somewhere out there in the ethers, when, of course, he’s not running and chasing frisbees or tennis balls or just being a love or sharing my yoga mat or still supporting you and me in our sessions.

For those of you who have also lost dearly loved fur kids, I know Harley has found them and is in sweet company. I also know that he will continue his unique healing on the Other Side for your loved ones and for all of us. I remember three sessions where Harley intentionally placed his paw on my grief coaching client’s foot for comfort–you can’t make up this stuff. He was simply amazing and knowing–and such a wise, old soul.
I’m so glad you knew him. How lucky I was to have him with me through so much and so many of my days.
with love, light and gratitude,
with such adoration and appreciation and love for Harley,