“So, what is reiki?”: An Introduction and My Reiki Story

Explaining reiki (pronounced ray-kee) to those who have never heard or experienced it before involves both the simple, more universal definition of reiki, a non-denominational form of healing, and the varied experiences of reiki. There’s the here’s-what-I’m-going-to-do part but, more significantly, there are the deeper sensations, sometimes visions, sometimes messages and always clarity, peace and relaxation.

On my website, http://www.TurtleHealingEnergy.com, I use the following words to introduce reiki:
Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a hands-on, spiritual form of relaxation and stress reduction that promotes healing, health and peace.  With Japanese origin, reiki is composed of two words: “Rei” (Divine Wisdom and Light) and “Ki” (life force energy).  Reiki is a wonderful, relaxing experience that can heal emotional blocks and trauma, deter addiction, offer clarity and relieve
various ailments.

Reiki has changed my life and, as a reiki practitioner, is a very humbling, amazing experience for me, each and every time I offer this energy and space.  When I was quite young and even through my college years, I noticed that I was a “touchy person”; I felt drawn to use my hands to comfort and reach out, and sometimes I noticed that I felt heat or different sensations like a vibration or even a flash of cold–and often I just knew emotions and/or experiences of others.  At times I felt the Divine working through me and imagined sending love and healing to people, but I didn’t know what reiki was.

I was officially introduced to reiki several years ago, even though I’d experienced hands-on healing techniques before and was apparently sharing these approaches already. But I also believe in the attunement process, an official process of learning and experiencing reiki techniques, along with being initiated in and opened to Divine Wisdom and Light through reiki certification by a reiki master.  After my second surgery for endometriosis in March 2007 and two decades of often debilitating pain and trips to the ER, my very Western surgeon closed the door to his office to discuss my post-op results and implications.  He closed the door with the words I need to ask you a more personal question.  He began telling me that there had been significant studies done with endometriosis patients and that there had been an interesting, helpful pattern found with other women who had my type of endo.  That’s when he asked, Did you experience abuse when you were young?  Some significant trauma?  I answered yes

He offered more traditional routes like therapy, which I’d had at different times in my life already, and then said, And while not everyone might be open to it, I also recommend trying energy work, like reiki.  I was floored–in a good way, and he seemed a little almost-embarrassed to make such a suggestion in a very Western medicine context.  But I was curious and excited to try this energy work.  Several months later, after also hearing you need to have some reiki done in an intuitive reading and meeting a gifted woman at the Boulder Creek Festival, I had my first reiki appointment in July 2007, during which Deborah Wilson energetically removed significant emotional and trauma-based blocks and effects around my right ovary and other areas.  And I have not had pain since.  Honestly.  I was convinced and am still amazed.

My path after my first reiki session continued to include energy work research, angel classes and circles, increased meditation, more reiki, study of numerology, even belly-dancing (!) and then my own certification with reiki master Dana Sher in Reiki Levels I, II and III.  During one of my attunements, Dana received the following message for me: Be at peace and pass peace on to others.  And now I’m helping others in many ways in my own healing practice, Turtle Healing Energy, and am so sincerely grateful to share my gifts.  I do both in-person and distance healing and see amazing results; I appreciate my lovely clients and their presence and healing on this beautiful path.  Reiki may not feel right for everyone, but can be helpful for anyone, and an open mind and some trust are mainly what you need to experience its full benefits.  I’m merely a pipe for Divine energy and light; this powerful healing works through me.

There’s my reiki story.  Feel free to share yours.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Scott Goddard

    This is wonderful.
    You’re off to a great start with this blog, and I expect you’ll be touching, and changing, more lives for the better through it.
    I look forward to following your writing here.
    Thanks for all you do (and all you’ve done for me)

  2. ems80301


    Thank you, thank you. I am so touched to already have followers… wow. Thank you for your support; I know the positive impacts from this blog will be reciprocal, and I’m grateful.

    Take care,

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