Stay Calm and Sparkle

While walking to our cars last week after a beautiful, supportive, intentional, shared pocket of time, an amazing friend and I tried to create our final words of wisdom for encouragement and basic survival in some tougher times. We had gathered to support each other but also inspire and cheer on each other during some intense times of questions, frustration, self-doubt and uncertainty. I couldn’t deny the strong words pushing their way in: “I think we both just need to remember to calm down.”  *smile*

Life can get wildly distorted at times, and it’s so easy to jump to despairing and freaking out. Once we calm, we get clear. Once we get clear, we can see our circumstances with greater perspective and available choices. We’re human, we get emotional, we react… but I’m learning that the more we stay calm, the more we create space for hope, optimism and necessary action.

In the last couple of weeks, my laundry list of challenges grew, including but not limited to news of three deaths among family and friends, (more) car dysfunction, an alarmingly waning bank account (code red), my oven element blowing like Fourth of July sparklers and computer technical difficulties. In the midst of it all, my overwhelm grew, as well as a pool of great peace and surrender.

I found myself slowing my breath and insisting on being present—a lot. I felt like I’d been in these snowball times before, but I wanted to do it differently and sincerely apply all of the spiritual tools and practices I’d been gathering. So, I kept breathing and noticed the welling panic as fear too often showed up. Finally, I began kicking my own butt and getting more aligned with my path: changed my thoughts to reflect the Law of Attraction (“thoughts become things”), seriously told Fear and any other obstacles to be gone, took some needed steps to manifest and rally for what I needed, and totally fell on my knees to Trust.

And then… shifts happened, miracles occurred, blessings abounded. While I’m in a much better place right now, I’m more so in a place of gratitude and awe, ever reminded that manifestation works. We need to ask and be specific. Stay calm also keeps echoing in my head, and I try to just remain calm and here, in this moment, and get back into alignment, choosing my joy. Because that’s where the magic happens.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Donna

    Great reminder Erika. So happy things have a taken a turn for the better for you. Thanks for all you’ve done for me. Have a wonderful day!
    Donna Z

    1. ems80301

      Thanks for your comment, Donna. 🙂 Glad to see you here! Hope all is well with you. I’m honored to have worked with you. Blessings.

  2. Diane DeBella

    Love this, Erika. A reminder that I definitely need!

    1. ems80301

      Hi, Lovely Diane. We all need reminders, right? 🙂 Funny how we forget. 🙂 Hope you’re well.

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