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Winter Solstice Ritual Box

USD $20.00
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box
Winter Solstice Ritual Box

Home / Shop / Ritual Boxes and Altar Kits

Winter Solstice Ritual Box

USD $20.00
Model Number: 20201209
Your Winter Solstice Ritual Box arrives in its own box and includes USA-made, soy, all-natural-cotton-wick, clean-burning votive candle *and* tealight candle; two gemstones especially supportive for the solstice; glass candle holder from eco-conscious company; matches; sprig of pine needles and juniper leaves tied with natural-fiber sisal twine; printed, helpful guide for Winter Solstice ritual. Your price includes Priority Mail shipping within the United States. YOU ALSO RECEIVE complimentary admission for participating live or listening later with the Winter Solstice Ceremony on Sunday, December 20, 2020.
Missing Option: Select your Deluxe Bath Salts Scent for Winter Solstice Ritual
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SOLD OUT for this season. Stay in touch for next year's offering and other related offerings in different seasons.

Winter Solstice Ritual Box
, created and packaged with love and care by Erika and mailed to you. Your price of $20 includes the ritual box AND Priority Mail shipping AND a complimentary pass to the Winter Solistice ceremony on December 20, 2020. In order to assure timely receipt of your ritual box, I recommend ordering by Monday, December 14.

→ If you are local (Boulder, Colorado) and do not need this item shipped, contact Erika at erika@turtlehealingenergy.com to arrange payment and pick-up: $15 for your ritual box sans shipping. I may also put your ritual items in an eco-friendly bag, given dwindling box inventory.

With your investment in this ritual box, you receive complimentary admission to the Winter Solstice ceremonyparticipate live and/or listen later—on December 20, 2020. Click here to register and learn more, and select "already paid" when prompted if you invest in this Winter Solstice Ritual Box.

Your Winter Solstice Ritual Box includes
1. a package of Deluxe Bath Salts (one amazing bath): you'll choose your scent (organic essential oil blends or unscented)
2. candle holder with clean-burning, made-in-the-United-States soy votive candle 
3. clean-burning, made-in-the-United-States soy tealight candle
4. matches
5. two beautiful Solstice-supportive and intentional gemstones: green moss agate and clear crystal quartz
6. sprig of pine needles and juniper leaves tied with natural-fiber sisal twine
7. printed, thoughtful guide with ideas for personal Winter Solstice ritual and symbolism of all inclusions in your box

Your Winter Solstice Ritual Box arrives in its own box and includes USA-made, soy, all-natural-cotton-wick, clean-burning votive candle *and* tealight candle; two gemstones especially supportive for the solstice; glass candle holder from eco-conscious company; matches; sprig of pine needles and juniper leaves tied with natural-fiber sisal twine; printed, helpful guide for Winter Solstice ritual. Your price includes Priority Mail shipping within the United States. Eco-conscious packaging.

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