I’m gonna let it shine….”
Avis Burgeson Christiansen
I talk a lot about light. We hear a lot about light.
“Shine your light.”
“Be the light.”
“Go into the Light, Carol Anne.”
“Your eyes light up when you talk about ___.”
Light is “good.” We contrast it often with what’s “bad” or dark. We use flashlights or candles in the dark, so we can see better. We have headlights on our vehicles. And what’s the first thing you do after unlocking your door when arrive home at night? We’re using and turning on lights all the time.
Just like energy that fuels our sources for seeing better in the night or dark rooms or dark campsites, our own energy—our light—within can be appreciated for fueling us, especially when challenges surround us. Our light seems to be the expression of our good, our gifts, our love and our kindness and compassion. We can help others’ light brighten when we share these things within us–the things that make us feel all glow-y inside, and we know when our own source or someone’s light seems to be dimming.
That light is hope. It is love. It’s what keeps us going when we may think we no longer really want to here on the planet. It propels us to take that one more step forward, even when we may feel we’re not moving much or as quickly as we want or think we should.
The light is always there. It doesn’t get squelched, but perhaps it dims from time to time. We can avoid this dimming and instead brighten when we believe in ourselves, we’re being as powerful as we can be, we’re engaging with people and activities that support our values and authentic self, we’re taking care of ourselves and we’re expressing ourselves in our most authentic way.
Shine on—you will encourage others to do the same.
© Erika M. Schreck, 2015. All rights reserved.