Welcome, Brody Robert

Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born.
~George Bernard Shaw

My brother Jon and his wife welcomed a baby boy, named Brody, last Wednesday, July 14.  I am officially an aunt, though I sincerely enjoy being Auntie Erika to several friends’ children.  🙂  I have always enjoyed the presence of children in my life; they add so much magic, wonder, hope and laughter.  As the oldest child with four younger siblings, and nearly 14 years age difference between my youngest sibling and me, I’ve been fortunate to be blessed not only with siblings with a significant age difference and help parent but also with babysitting/child care, volunteer and kids-of-friends-and-relatives opportunities.  In high school and college, one of my nicknames was “Mom.”  Yes, they’re work, but kids will change and shape our lives in beautiful ways.

I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring. 
~Liz Armbruster

Welcome, Brody Robert Schreck.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Scott Goddard

    Maintaining that childlike sense of wonder, joy, & laughter is important to me. Having children (of any age) in my life is a key element in hanging on to that. So many adults I know are far to connected to how ‘old’ they are, rather than how ‘young’ they can feel. Connecting with people in younger generations helps to keep a fresh perspective.

  2. ems80301

    So true, Scott! All of it. We can learn from all ages, and children certainly have that magic.

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