What are your superpower gifts?

No, that's not me, and I don't know who the boy is, either... But these are Underoos!

When I was in the kindergarten and first-grade age range, I wanted to be Wonder Woman. Lynda Carter graced our television in her super-cool getup, and I had matching Underoos. I imagined myself with her bracelets, her Lasso of Truth and tiara, and I appreciated her kinship with animals; even today, I joke with family and friends about my invisible jet. On Saturday mornings, before our mother and step-father were up, my sister and I would play, and often role-play. Said sister would feign I’m-in-trouble, and I would, on cue, run into the room (ex. bathroom, living room), tear off my robe to reveal my Wonder Woman identity, and rush to “help.” Somehow this scenario never got old… until we got hungry for breakfast.

Now nearing 40 (sorry, Mom), I don’t even know if Underoos are available, but I do know they may not come in my size. (Note to dear readers: This is not an invitation, and, yes, I’m really wanting to find a sensational Wonder Woman costume for this year’s Halloween. Just sayin’.) But I had this lovely flood of memories as I thought of superheroes and their superpowers–their gifts. For good reason.

Yesterday was an unusual day in many ways, but the highlight is that I found—not even just one—but two wandering dogs and assured their safe return, with the help of my neighbor, who happened to be outside for both occurrences. I tend to “find” a lot of lost dogs in my neighborhood; first, there are lots of dogs in Boulder, but, second, I live near open space, which I guess supports wandering. But I need to do something when I see these sweet creatures in and out of traffic or seeming thirsty or scared. It is no exaggeration that I’ve found and helped easily 10 dogs in the last couple of years alone, which has included wrangling several dogs too scared to trust strangers. I’ve stopped traffic to protect these furry ones who might be trotting across a busy road, I’ve driven collar-less creatures to the Humane Society and hoped they were micro-chipped, and, overall, I’ve spent a lot of time in these dog-rescue and at times cat-rescue kind of situations. I’ve been called a Pet Guardian, Pet Rescuer and Animal Whisperer.

Having a dog myself, I just can’t walk away from an animal in need. But yesterday had me laughing at the end of the day, especially because after the morning “rescue” (which was quite the adventure with a fearful, young dog who did not want to be leashed; at least he had a collar), I had just told a neighbor about this morning’s adventure—and then saw yet another loose dog on the way back from my evening walk. For the second dog, people were even stopping in their cars, trying to help get the dog (without a collar) weaving into the road and onto the sidewalk, to no avail. But that dog actually followed me home somehow without my knowledge, and when a neighbor mentioned there was a dog just sitting on the back lawn, sure enough. Grabbing the extra leash I keep for these occasions, a water bowl and treats, I headed out on a mission I know well. Sparing you details, yes, this dog found its way back home, and I spoke with the owners. As I joked in e-mail with a friend, I seem to be the Neighborhood Dog Rescuer: Saving and Returning Dogs, One Dog at a Time! (There have been some cats, too.)

So, we all have these neato, low-profile gifts—superpowers—to share with the world and make it a better place. Have you pondered yours? Feel free to share in the comments. Perhaps some of us incorporate these gifts into our actual, paid work; perhaps we’re known for certain qualities and skills that might not necessarily go on a business card. Be imaginative. If you were to make a Superpowers Business Card, what might be one of your titles? I found a fun website to offer some inspiration, where people are creating and submitting “new superpowers” all the time. Enjoy. And know we all have these gifts for a reason. How are you serving humankind in your own, unique ways?

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Mary Jo

    OMG, I do remember you and your sister playing many hours in your underroos. Great memories and a start into your special “super powers”. How ironic the world is. May your super powers lead you to the fountain of happiness and more memories!! Love you. mom

    1. ems80301

      🙂 Do you have any pics of us in those Underoos, Mom? Would love to see. Yes, irony (or Divine Plan?) indeed. Love you.

  2. Tony L

    It is fun to dream about super powers! I am torn between desiring flight and mind reading. Perhaps I should be satisfied knowing that I am finally achieving some wisdom. It may be due only to the silvery wisps on my chin, but I seem to be a source of reference, knowledge and comfort for others lately. So much for portraying myself as a hard-ass…too cool to care. They’ve discovered that patient, quietly reflective side that I’ve been hiding. Damn them.

    1. ems80301

      See, Tony, look at those superpowers you have! 🙂 Enjoy. Thanks for posting.

  3. Michelle Albert

    I used to want to be Superwoman too! I had the underoos, and a bathing suit, which I remember wearing year-round, using a bathrobe as a cape. Or something.

    Right now, I am the baby whisperer. The power to calm a crying baby with a single glance. I don’t know how this power will translate into other spheres of life. But I will figure it out.

    1. ems80301

      Ooooh, AND you had the Wonder Woman bathing suit! Niiiice. Yes, you are the baby whisperer. Such a talent! I can add that to my superpowers, too, as it’s been honed over many years, from the time I had my much-younger sibs in my arms or on my hip. 🙂 You go, Super Woman!

  4. Angela

    I *love* this post! I am known as a “bee whisperer” and “rodent whisperer” and, as I now know, I have dog hearing… Hope you get that costume!

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